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 Product Code  Description
LH13S Lehle 1@3 SGoS
LH31S Lehle 3@1 SGoS
LHAS Lehle Acouswitch IQ DI
LHASJ Lehle Acouswitch Junior
LHBS Lehle Basswitch IQ DI
LHBSCLASSIC Lehle Basswitch Enhanced Overdrive
LHBSDB Lehle Basswitch Dual Band Compressor
LHBSEOD Lehle Basswitch Dual Band Compressor
LHBSSONIC Lehle Basswitch Sonic Spark
LHDC0.6 Lehle MIDI SGoS DIN Cable 0.6m to 1/4 stereo plug w/Neutrik connector
LHDC1 Lehle MIDI SGoS DIN Cable 1m to 1/4 stereo plug w/Neutrik connector
LHDC10 Lehle MIDI SGoS DIN Cable 10m to 1/4 stereo plug w/Neutrik connector
LHDC6 Lehle MIDI SGoS DIN Cable 6m to 1/4 stereo plug w/Neutrik connector
LHDC-F Lehle DC-Filter - Stereo Filter for DC Offset in audio signals
LHDLS Lehle D Loop SGoS
LHDUS Lehle Dual SGoS
LHLD Lehle Little Dual
LHLJ Lehle Little Julian
LHLL Lehle Little Lehle
LHMV Lehle Mono Volume
LHSV Lehle Stereo Volume
LHMV90 Lehle Mono Volume 90
LHPL Lehle Parallel L
LHPM Lehle Parallel M
LHPS Lehle P-Split II
LHSD Lehle Sunday Driver
LHSDXLR Lehle Sunday Driver XLR
LHSDSW Lehle Sunday Driver SW