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Tone Gear
Product Code Details
Tone Gear - Wristies
TG-WP1-S ToneGear Wristies ® - Small
TG-WP1-M ToneGear Wristies ® - Medium
TG-WP1-L ToneGear Wristies ® - Large

The accessory for ALL musicians.
Keeps hands and fingers warm for outdoor/cold environment playing.
Improves circulation to avoid and help protect injuries
Provides total dexterity through its 360 degree ''free finge'' design.
Removes moisture from the hands through ''moisture wicking''.

Performance Wristies ® were designed to keep hands and fingers warm by heating the lower arm, wrist, and lower hand.
Heating these areas provides warmer blood to run through the players fingers thus keeping the hand and fingers at a more safe, pleasant, and dexterous temperature.

Available in 3 sizes, Small, Medium and Large.

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