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Philippe Bosset - Classical Guitar String Sets

It is now extremely easy, with the profusion of materials from all sources, to make ropes at a lower cost.
However, developing a string classical guitar high quality is a real challenge, as the parameters are varied and the materials of high quality hard to find.
Strings must have a perfect tonal balance of severe acute, power and sensitivity and an increased reactivity different playing techniques.
Tone must remain clear and defined on the entire spectrum, not ''s' crush'' on the strong attacks and restore the subtle nuances of a game ''gentle''.
The strings must also be perfectly just across the pitch, have a good life, do not lose their characteristics quickly.
Like all strings Philippe Bosset, classical strings Prestige are carefully crafted from the finest materials and alloys.
Spinning the money is made extremely slowly not warm the soul and thus does not deform.

 Classical Guitar
 Elite - Black Nylon
 Product Code  Description
PBELITF Philippe Bosset Elite Black Nylon High Tension
PBELITN Philippe Bosset Elite Black Nylon Normal Tension

Perfect for flamenco!
Bass strings spun Spinning silver plated on a core of multi-filament nylon copper, they are covered of a varnish retardant sulfidation to improve longevity.
Upper strings: black nylon monofilament high technology.

Available in
Normal Tension 30-44
High Tension 30-45

 Prestige - Clear Nylon
 Product Code  Description
PBPRETF Philippe Bosset Prestige Clear Nylon High Tension
PBPRETN Philippe Bosset Prestige Clear Nylon Normal Tension

Bass strings spun Spinning silver plated on a core of multi-filament nylon copper, they are covered of a varnish retardant sulfidation to improve longevity.
Upper strings: Nylon monofilament transparent high-tech.
A perfect balance!

Available in
Normal Tension 30-44
High Tension 30-45

 Titanium Nylon
 Product Code  Description
PBTITANETF Philippe Bosset Titane : Nylon Titanium High Tension
PBTITANETN Philippe Bosset Titane : Nylon Titanium Normal Tension

A revolution ''Mellow''!
The lower strings are the same as other games Philippe Bosset, with a multi filament, associated with copper alloy and genuine silver plated.
Silver / Titanium Nylon !

Available in
Normal Tension 29-44
High Tension 28-46

 Classical 8 String Guitar
 Product Code  Description
PBBRA2453 Philippe Bosset Classique divers : Guitare Brahms 8 Strings Low B
PBBRA2454 Philippe Bosset Classique divers : Guitare Brahms 8 Strings Low A

Born in 1994 of the requirement virtuoso Paul Galbraith and luthier David Rubio large, the ''Brahms'' is perhaps the newest of instruments suited to classical.
With eight strings tuned in fourths, this mutant guitar has opened new musical territory to explore.
But this progress was made in placing a high voltage to the handle of the instrument, whose sound and harmonic consistency depend more than ever on the quality of the strings used.
To meet musicians seduced by this extraordinary invention, Philippe Bosset offers two types of ropes (Nylon Clear and Black Nylon), which each receive the same spinning extreme precision copper plated Silver 20g. Protected by an anti-sulfur varnish triple sustainability games and prevents premature dulling spinning.
The result: a powerful and subtle sound, rich in overtones delicate, perfectly suited to the concert or studio.

Available in
Low B 24-53
Low A 24-54

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